The winter is coming to a close and the spring bloom signifies a new life in the air! What about something new for you and your family - think of being in a new home where you get to choose what fits your family as well as your location! It’s a perfect time to think about building a new home! What situation do you find yourself in?
Empty Nester?
Are you wrestling with emotions as your kids are now gone and your current home is too much to take care? Maybe it is time to downsize? Take look at plans for a smaller, practical as well as economical use of space with low maintenance! You might consider the 2239 Sq. Ft. Gallery.
New Family?
Are you starting a family and need that forever home? Take a look plans that have the master close to the bedrooms so you can keep a listening ear to your small children not to mention an open floor plan so your watchful eyes can make sure your munchkins stay safe! The 2035 Sq. Ft. Pacific Dunes is an example.
Growing Family?
Do you need separation from your older kids? Teenager ready to drive so you need a larger garage or at least a place to park? Notice plans that have the master on the lower level, bedrooms in another part of of the house not to mention a spacious family room for you kids to hangout! The 3511 Sq. Ft. Wellington Hills is one of our more popular family plans.
Don’t see exactly what you need? Be sure and look at our customize option to create that just right floor plan and allow us to make your dreams a Reality!