Have you heard these expressions? Hindsight is 20/20, those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it or reverse engineering? What do phrases all have in common when thinking about building? ....practice makes perfect and learning from the past can make the end results better! Fairway Homes West has done just that for you. We have 17 years of experience and thousands of homes to show that we have improved the building process! In the end, our experience is your benefit.
Where to Begin
Where do you begin in building your home? Many will start online by choosing a floor plan that they love!
Our experience has shown us that it should really start with meeting our home consultant and using an online loan calculator find out what you can afford.
Budget First
Start with a pre-approved. While looking online is fun, you might get your heart set on a house plan and find out that you cannot afford it. Why is it important to know what you can afford whether, that is $1500 a month, $2000 a month or even $1000 a month? Because all have different outcomes on what house you should be considering. Knowing your budget will allow you to build the home you want now and this will help you keep on budget and make you happier in the long run!
May we make your dreams a reality