No matter what season you are in building your home will have its own challenges! Did you know even during the dry season the wood in framing can be affected such as "curling" in excessive heat! Should you to worry? The good news is that the builders have been through it all and the building codes are there for your protection! Educating yourself about this process and the protections will put your mind at ease! Things to consider:
It's rained every day during the framing process and the lumber is wet!
The good news is that the trees that the wood came from were outside in the elements and did just fine! Also most lumber is stored outside anyway! The beauty of this is that it dries out once you put the roof on and is helped by a few windy days! The next step is to drywall and before that can happen the lumber is tested for moisture content to ensure the lumber has properly dried!
What step can you take so you need not worry needlessly?
- Why not ask the project manager to demonstrate how the moisture meter works to ensure its dry?
- Do your own research online or ask for information on the ability of lumber and OSB to withstand water! The OSB nowadays is made in such a way that can withstand moisture with water resistant edge shields!
With these few points it should put your worry at minimum!