Your home vision begins on a piece of land. Each building lot has its own challenges, so what should you keep in mind when looking for a lot?
1) Location, Location, Location
This is not just about the area you chose to live, you should also ask questions such as; are we in a flood plain? There may be extra expense for lot engineering and preparation as well as flood insurance. In the news there has been attention on fires, are you in a building area that you might need fire resistant building materials as well as fire insurance?
2) The size of your lot
You may be looking at a 1 acre parcel however you may not be able to build the size of home you desire because of zoning....You will hear terms like “building setback,” meaning how far your home must be “set back” from the edge of your property line. “Lot coverage” refers to what percentage of your lot can be covered by the elements of your home. Also check to see if there are any easements, which allow use of your property by others (such as utilities or neighbors driveways).
3) Lot characteristics
Is the land flat or sloped? Which direction is the slope? The answer may require a lot more preparation and excavation and retaining walls, which will add to the overall cost of the home. Also give thought to natural elements such as cactus, which may affect your building site!
4) Home placement and Weather
Giving thought to views, direction of the sun can be a life changer in choosing the right home as well as features! The prevailing weather patterns is a term you’ll become familiar with. Does the lot sit out in the open with nothing to prevent the wind or rains from whipping around it – and from what direction does the wind typically come? This may help in customizing your home with windows and porch covers.
5) Services
Not to be overlooked....what are the services such as electricity, Sewer or septic? If you have to install them the price for the lot will be higher. Water or a well? Having knowledge about this area can help alleviate an frustration!
Your vision can be one of the most gratifying decisions you will ever make! May we make your dreams a Reality !